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Posts tagged “fathom the 9 fruit pie

the children are the first in line, their thoughts are always welcome

so, krispin and i went away for the night.

yeah, no big deal. except a couple of days before we were supposed to leave ramona developed the unsettling habit of screaming bloody murder every time we tried to feed her at night. and our (supposedly reliable) car broke down. and then broke down again.and i started to be all super spiritual and think that maybe this was a sign from god that we weren’t supposed to go.

but we went anyways.

and, as anybody with small kids will tell you–it was great. and awful. and freeing. and miserable. and and and.

i totally thought i wasn’t going to be one of those moms who misses their kids because hey–i really like my husband, and he is much wittier than ramona. but honestly it is not like an either/or situation. it was fun to feel like a couple again, but we couldn’t shake the feeling that we were leaving something behind.

like, maybe, almost-13lbs-of-cuteness?

my mom and dad watched ramona and they did such a fabulous job except my mom told me she would put some videos and stuff on facebook for us to look at (i know, i know, we were only gone for 24 hours, but we like to stay connected) and this is what she posted (please notice the caption, which is verbatim):


i miss my mommy and daddy



which was so, so mean.

anyways, i am rather glad the getaway is over because i was more nervous than anything. and as lovely as it was to be on the coast and reminisce about our honeymoon 3 years ago (also on the coast), it is just as pleasant to look towards the future. and to remember that god uses babies to bring the kingdom of god. the title of this post comes from one of my favorite songs by danielson, and i want to remember it always.

whilst at the coast, krispin and i ate at our favorite dive called lil’ sambos (lots of tiger paraphernalia) and clinked our tiny water glasses together. and we both agreed that if we hadn’t been married to each other, these past three years would have been some of the worst of our lives.

but because i married the dude i did, it turned out to be three of the best.

and here’s to 3 x infinity more years.